Disclaimer - The Culminating Experience Research Project is submitted by students to the Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at IBA, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, and the author retains full ownership of the work produced. Citation through this website is not allowed unless prior permission is issued by the Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts and/or the respective author. iRepository or IBA does not own the rights to this Research Report.
Submissions from 2023
Relationship between attachment styles and sexist attitudes in Pakistani Young Adults, Shaikh Marium Amin
Friendships & well-being: A qualitative study exploring the lives of married women in Karachi, Pakistan, Fatima Amir
Impact of work modes on psychological well-being for corporate employees in Pakistan, Qadr Arslan
Exploring factors of success in marriages: a comparative study on changing perceptions and the role of love languages, Minhal Ashfaq
The evolution of the female orotagonist in Pakistani Urdu TV dramas, Maha Asif
Examining mainstream media entertainment influence on cultural identity: a post-colonial lens, Sarah Asif
Digital populism & democracy in Pakistan: the case study of PTI, Syed Muhammad Muneeb Raza Bokhari
Love and Loss: An Analysis of the Portrayal of Grief in Violet Evergarden (2018), Nirmal Chandio
Why Chai? The storm of a teacup: An Exploration of Discourse Around Tea ‘Chai’ in South Asian Post-Colonial, Bilal Channa
Exploring the Impact of Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance on Perceptions of Communication Accommodation in Emerging Adults; a Mediation Analysis through Loneliness, Syeda Sarah Daniyal
Workplace factors that influence soft skills of Interns: a qualitative study at IBA, Karachi, Javeria Elahi
Boundary creation in the Pamirian Knot - a historical study of Colonial and National projects surrounding borders in High-Mountain Asia, Ashmal Amyn Essa
Evolving sounds: tracing the progress of Pakistani Rap Music and its popularity among local consumers, Dameer Faraz
The impact of attachment anxiety and avoidance on perceived social support and self-esteem – a quantitative study on oldest daughters in Pakistani households, Syeda Manahil Faraz
The securitization of non-traditional threats to Pakistan's National Security: a foreign policy perspective, Syeda Maleeha Fatima
Pakistani daughters raised in fundamentalist households: Intersectionality and women's subordination in patriarchal society, Sakina Fazle Ali
How Urbanization impacts the self-transformation of Rural Girls: a case of IBA Karachi, Zainab Gohar
Normative or beyond? Questioning the ethics of the Übermensch in Friedrich Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', Muhammad Hamza
Comparing the impact of Jingles and Non-Jingles as advertisement tools on implicit learning: An experimental research on Young Adults, Muhammad Mustafa Haq
Uncertainty, Variability, and limited flow of Hill Torrents of Koh e Suleman: Case Study of Suri Lound, Muhammad Hasnain
Unleashing the potential of undergraduate students: the impact of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence on problem-solving proficiency, Muhammad Hussain
Role of parental expectations in career decision making process of university students in Karachi, Laiba Imran
An analysis of Good and Evil in the Dastan-e-Amir Hamza Sahibqiran, Sarah Imran
Making me Mad: documentary representations of Gendered Madness in South Asia, Fatima Khan
The association between Social Media usage and romantic relationship satisfaction: A mixed methodology study of young adults in Pakistan, Hibah Rehan Khan
Financial constraints faced by Pakistani Startups, Muhammad Qasim Ali Khan
China's Neo-Confucian Renaissance: Xi Jinping's Governance and Governmentality, Muhammad Sameed Khan
Negotiating gender role beliefs and work-family guilt: a qualitative study of Pakistani working mothers, Aleena Khurram
Political Correctness, Critical Thinking, and Political Tolerance at College Campuses in Karachi, Syed Ali Moiz
Tracing a “Hopepunk Affect” in contemporary diasporic South Asian television, Pireh Moosa
After Masters: gender differences in the psychological impact of unemployment, Manahil Murad
Ethics and Afterlife: Deconstructing 'The Good Place' Philosophically, Ashna Omer
Examining the evolving role of the Pakistan Administrative Service in Policymaking Post the 18th Amendment Act (2010) to the Constitution of Pakistan, M Mohsin Qureshi
A qualitative deep-dive into the relationship between celebrity endorsements and purchase intention, Sarah Rahim
IBA Student Politics, Soha Rajput
Femininities, friendships, and safety: life as a working women in Karachi, Ayesha Rehman
Representation of women in Bollywood's genre of family drama, Maliha Rehman
A neoclassical realist assessment of Pakistan’s energy security, Yumnah Rehman
A qualitative study on perception of autism and the role of autism portrayals in popular fictional depictions, Kainat Rizwan
Parenting a child with Down Syndrome in Karachi, Pakistan: Mothers’ experiences of stress and social support, Wajeeha Rizwan
Keep the Faith: Muslim women’s use of reconciliatory strategies to navigate women’s rights Controversies in Islam, Arisha Salman
Information and misinformation Around Menarche: The psychological, emotional and social consequences of menstruating, Ayesha Salman
Exploring the relationship between Instagram addiction, and the academic performance of Pakistani university students; mediating effects of loneliness, and self-esteem, Mashal Hameed Shaikh
Acne and its impact on quality of life of females in Karachi, Pakistan: a qualitative research study, Sania Shamim
Electric Vehicles in Pakistan: consumer perception and adoption challenges, Muhammad Talha Siddiqui
Applicant reactions towards gamified assessment: the role of perceived fairness on organizational attractiveness, Safa Sufiyan
Benevolent and Enlightened Sexism in Contemporary American Literature: A Psychoanalytic Investigation of Sidney Sheldon’s Novels, Batul Fatima Shafiq Thahim
Imagining the Cholistan Desert in the late 19th century through Khwaja Farid’s Sassi, Kaleem Ullah
The Relationship Between perceived parenting styles, social anxiety, and self-esteem of Young Adults, Raafia Usman
The impact of the Big Five Personality Traits on parasocial relationships with TV characters among Karachi's emerging adults, Palwashay Waqas
Attachment and parenting in the Pakistani context: a quantitative study, NAJEEB WARDA
An experimental research on emotional perception of basic emotions in linguistically unfamiliar music, Syeda Anusha Wasif
Men, Masculinity, and Karachi Dhabas at Night, Laiba Khan Zai
Submissions from 2022
Social conformity against the backdrop of gender, Nazish Abbas
Exploring the impact of religious experiences and opinions on the psychological well-being of young Muslim, Pakistani women, Hiba Abdul Qadir
An evaluation of emotional responses to fairness creams’ advertisements, Ume Abeeha
Role of class in the portrayal of encroachment by media groups, Muhammad Ahmed
Kutte aur billian: a critical inquiry of animal rescuing in Karachi, Sameen Ahmed
Suffering of the Shiʿa Imams: tropes of martyrdom and betrayal within Kitab al-Irshad of Sheikh al-Mufid, Syed Ali Ahsan
Brief insight into Seerah: the parenting style of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Fatima Akhtar
Inside the minds of Pakistani mothers: understanding the Pakistani experience of motherhood, Safa Akhtar
The relationship between narcissism, attachment styles and gender, Laiba Ashfaq
Barriers to seeking professional psychological help among young adults of Pakistan, Maria Ashfaq
The filmy other: viewing Bollywood's Hindu nationalism as a Pakistani Muslim, Maryam Asim
The relationship between perception of relationship with parents and self esteem of university going students, Noor Ayesha
Pedagogy in Tasawwuf: an analysis of the educational philosophy in Ayyuha'l-walad, Zahra Azhar Javed
Relationship between parenting styles and personality characteristics: a comparative study between the firstborn, middle born, and lastborn, Humara Atique Bahalim
The constitutional status of Gilgit-Baltistan and the perception of the youth of Gilgit-Baltistan, Shameem Bano
Impact of sociocultural change on the content of advertisements in Pakistan, Aabia Tahir Belgaumi
Evolution of Orientalist stereotypes in Disney movies, Eeman Fatima
The invisible gender: women in the tablighi jama'at in Karachi, Pakistan, Huda Hamid
Blogosphere - Unveiling the reel life of women bloggers in Pakistan, Aysha Hassan
The power of music: an experimental research on the impact of music on mood and its relation with personality, Natalia Hassan
Mawlid: discursive formation, contents, and discontents, Nirwan Hassan
Insight inside the lives of IBA graduates: exploring the unemployment phase, Tooba Hassan
Coping mechanisms of young adults after parental divorce, Ammarah Imran
Cultural and religious reasons that restrict the mobility and autonomy of women, Umaima Iqbal
Meaning and mediation: Urdu-dubbed Turkish TV series in Pakistani households, Wara Irfan
Unmarried men and household chores, Muniza Jokhio
Accessibility of women litigating in Pakistan Family Court, Zara Junaid
Proptech & the changing real estate industry, Muhammad Mahad Kamal
Exploring constraints to mobility choices and its implications for women disempowerment in Karachi, Sarah Karim
Perceptions, negotiations, and faulty policy recommendations: the case of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Laiba Khalid
Mental wellbeing and the impact of dreams, Aleezay Khan
Body hair perceptions among women in Pakistan, Hamnah Khan
Relationship dissolution and post-traumatic growth in university students; the role of resilience and relationship network quality, Sarah Khurshid
Making and unmaking of cult of Pir Pagara in Hur community, Shah Mairraj