iRepository - 3rd IBA SBS International Conference 2024: Impact of job burnout on organizational commitment with mediating effect of job stress

Impact of job burnout on organizational commitment with mediating effect of job stress


The psychological bond a person has with a company is referred to as organizational commitment and job burnouts affect organizational commitment generally, which can hamper an organization's ability to fulfill its goals. Moreover, the mediating role of stress between job burnout and organizational commitment also examined. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of these variables on organizational commitment in the private healthcare sector of Pakistan. The data collection for this quantitative research conducted through the questionnaire. Data gathered through a questionnaire survey using simple random sampling from the healthcare workers and analyzed by utilizing Smart PLS to get the results. The findings show that job burnout is clearly impacted organizational commitment. Furthermore, the mediating role of stress also confirmed in this study. The impact of job burnout and stress has a strong negative relationship with the organizational commitment. This study fills the gap of the limited studies conducted regarding the identification of the factors that can impact the commitment among healthcare workers by providing empirical evidence. This study provides managerial implications for hospital management and health policymakers to remove or at least reduce the job burnout and stress among the staff.



Session Number/Theme

Session 1C: Management

Session Chair

Dr. Nyla Aleem Ansari ; Dr. Yasir Mansoor Kundi

Start Date/Time

26-5-2023 2:45 PM

End Date/Time

26-5-2023 4:45 PM


MCS-3, Aman-CED, Ground Floor, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

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May 26th, 2:45 PM May 26th, 4:45 PM

Impact of job burnout on organizational commitment with mediating effect of job stress

MCS-3, Aman-CED, Ground Floor, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

The psychological bond a person has with a company is referred to as organizational commitment and job burnouts affect organizational commitment generally, which can hamper an organization's ability to fulfill its goals. Moreover, the mediating role of stress between job burnout and organizational commitment also examined. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of these variables on organizational commitment in the private healthcare sector of Pakistan. The data collection for this quantitative research conducted through the questionnaire. Data gathered through a questionnaire survey using simple random sampling from the healthcare workers and analyzed by utilizing Smart PLS to get the results. The findings show that job burnout is clearly impacted organizational commitment. Furthermore, the mediating role of stress also confirmed in this study. The impact of job burnout and stress has a strong negative relationship with the organizational commitment. This study fills the gap of the limited studies conducted regarding the identification of the factors that can impact the commitment among healthcare workers by providing empirical evidence. This study provides managerial implications for hospital management and health policymakers to remove or at least reduce the job burnout and stress among the staff.