The Fed's Voice: How Central Bank Communications Impact Public Trust


Salman RazaFollow


This paper explores the impact of central bank communication on public trust in monetary institutions. We use data from the Booth Chicago School Financial Trust Index. The results from logistic regression analysis indicates that Ben Bernanke's "taper tantrum" speech had a negative effect on trust in the Federal Reserve. Whereas speeches given during the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic did not show significant effect related to citizen trust in FED.



Session Number/Theme

4A: Finance

Session Chair

Dr. Saqib Sharif ; Dr. Mujeeb Bhayo

Start Date/Time

31-5-2024 9:00 AM

End Date/Time

31-5-2024 12:00 AM


MCS – 3 AMAN CED Building

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May 31st, 9:00 AM May 31st, 12:00 AM

The Fed's Voice: How Central Bank Communications Impact Public Trust

MCS – 3 AMAN CED Building

This paper explores the impact of central bank communication on public trust in monetary institutions. We use data from the Booth Chicago School Financial Trust Index. The results from logistic regression analysis indicates that Ben Bernanke's "taper tantrum" speech had a negative effect on trust in the Federal Reserve. Whereas speeches given during the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic did not show significant effect related to citizen trust in FED.