
BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Fall 2024

Date of Submission



Dr. Muhammad Bilal Munshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences


Dr. Junaid Alam Memon, Professor, Department of Social Sciences

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Restricted Access


Securitization, neo-classical realism, Pakistan-Israel relations


Pakistan has not recognized its ideological twin, Israel situated in the middle East till date. Despite having no direct conflicts with the Jewish state, Pakistan refuses to recognize the technologically superior twin due to its bilateral ties with the Arab states of the middle East. Pakistan uses the anti-Israel narrative to strengthen religious conservatism in the country that is divided by cultures but united by religious sentiments. Israel, on the other hand, seeks to normalize ties with the “Islamic Bomb” to minimize security threats through negotiations and aims to use the strategic position of Pakistan towards forming healthy ties with the Arab world. At the same time, the highly securitized state of Israel feels insecure with Pakistan’s nuclear bomb that can be used against Israel if military alliances are formed with direct adversaries of Israel. In this paper, I have analyzed how the Pakistan-Israel’s diplomacy dynamics are changing in an evolving security environment of each country. Considering the changing international order, how will the relationships between Pakistan and Israel transform. This paper analyzes the security environment of both countries using the type 3 neo-classical realist framework and makes useful connections that signal a shift in the political standing of each country towards the other.



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