"The many lives of violence: an ethnographic account of Karachi Univers" by Arsala khan


BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Date of Submission



Dr. Faiza Mushtaq, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts


Rahma Mian; Faiza Mushtaq

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Restricted Access


The relationship of Karachi University with student politics dates back to its inception. It was students who demanded the right to have a public university in the first place. My hopes and aspirations were to understand the reasons behind the diminishing freedom of students inside the campus. I identify the Rangers as a body representing the state, with the aim to maintain security and order inside the Karachi University campus. In order to explore my thesis of a relationship and connection between the lived experiences of students and Rangers, I chose my method of inquiry to be ethnographic. The method allowed me to center human experiences and human voices in my research. I identify that the presence of Rangers over a sustained period is a product of anxiety rooted in the historical memory of student clashes and violence. I look into the modalities of violence inflicted on the students by the Rangers for raising questions that threaten the writ of the state.



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