"“Ertugrul Ghazi” and Pakisani audiences: an exploration of the popular" by Areeba Wasim Khan


BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Spring 2021

Date of Submission



Aliya Iqbal Naqvi, Visiting Faculty, Department of Social Sciences

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Restricted Access


While many Turkish dramas have previously gained viewership in Pakistan, the popularity that the Turkish drama serial, Diriliş Ertuğrul, has gained is unprecedented. A lot of research has been done in recent times to show that Erdoğan has used the Ottomans' heritage as a soft-power strategy to produce new and active domestic and foreign policies in global politics, and how TV series such as Ertuğrul successfully contributed to this process. However, since this phenomenon is fairly recent in Pakistan, not many studies have been conducted in the Pakistani context. Neither has the question that why Ertuğrul Ghazi surmounted the heights of popularity in Pakistan been explored. This research aimed to fill in that gap and set out to find the different reasons why Ertuğrul Ghazi resonated so well with the Pakistani audiences.

To explore the research question, primary data was collected through a broad-based survey that was conducted online. A total of 182 responses were collected and its findings were recorded and analysed. Following that, three social media platforms were surveyed what are the audiences’ posting and discussing about Ertuğrul. These include the tweets on Twitter between April 2020 to April 2021, 60 recent posts on a Facebook fan group called “Diriliş Ertuğrul in Urdu,” and the top 2000 comments under the first episode of Ertuğrul Ghazi on YouTube.



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