"C&M Management project report" by Munaf Usmani, Syed Zahir Salahuddin et al.


Master of Business Administration

Faculty / School

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)

Project Type

MBA Research Project


https://ir.iba.edu.pk/do/search/?q=C%26M%20Management&start=0&context=22553187&facet=">C&M Management, Financial brokerage, Foreign-exchange broker, Investment

Abstract / Summary

C&M Management is a financial brokerage firm which has been in operation since 2011. In the last three years, C&M Management has not only become one of the leading brokers in FX & Money markets, but it has also increased the scope of its business by adding a commodities trading division, research division and plans to further diversify its portfolio by adding on a customer segment as well. In 2012, the State Bank of Pakistan issued a public notice, whereby the SBP aimed to create awareness amongst the general population for investing in Government securities. Currently retail customers do not have awareness of investment options in Govt. Securities and thus banks capitalize on this ignorance. The opportunity here for C&M is to create a retail portfolio by educating to the financial markets. Although the SBP issued this notice 3 years back, there hasn't been much done about it and it presents itself as an excellent chance for C&M management to sweep the market and gain first-mover's advantage.

Available for download on Tuesday, December 31, 2030
