This collection includes journal articles produced by the faculty of Institute of Business Administration.
Submissions from 2016
Impact of climatic shocks on child human capital: evidence from young lives data, Mina Zamand and Asma Hyder
Submissions from 2015
EasyPaisa: Seizing the white space and business model innovation, Nasir Afghan
Asset price bubbles with specific focus on stock prices in Pakistan, Nawaz Ahmad, Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, and Yaseen Ahmed Meenai
The nexus of financial deepening, economic growth, and poverty: The case of Pakistan, Abdur Rehman Aleemi and Muhammad Azam
What lies at the core of core inflation? An empirical analysis to identify the determinants of core inflation in Pakistan, Mehwish Ghulam Ali, Muhammad Ather Elahi, and Qazi Masood Ahmed
Asian mobilities and state governance at the geographic margins: geopolitics and oil tales from Karachi to Taftan, Nausheen H. Anwar
A classifier for ideal unimodular singularities, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin, Junaid Alam Khan, and Hasan Mahmood
The impact of age structure on household saving: An empirical investigation in three South Asian economies, Oscar T. Brookins, Mohsin Hasnain Ahmad, Naved Ahmad, and Noman Saeed
Literary Note on: Donna Tartt; The Secret History: New York: Vintage, Paperback, 569PP, Nadya Chishty-Mujahid
The Express Tribune: touching the tricky price point, Lalarukh Ejaz, Amber Gul Rashid, and Khadija Malik Bari
Complexity reduction of influence nets using arc removal, Sajjad Haider and Syed Ali Raza
The future of Afghanistan-Pakistan trade relations, Ishrat Husain Dr. and Muhammad Ather Elahi
Simulating the impact of income distribution on poverty reduction, Syed Kalim Hyder, Qazi Masood Ahmed, and Haroon Jamal
A streamlined artificial variable free version of simplex method, Syed Inayatullah, Nasir Touheed, and Muhammad Imtiaz
Back Matter of Volume 10 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Back Matter of Volume 10 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 10 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 10 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
The ex-dividend day stock price behavior: Evidence from Pakistan, Sana Tauseef and Mohammad Nishat
Gauge repeatability and reproducibility: an assessment of method and medium for a laboratory, Ayesha Waseem, Ali Zulqarnain, Rameez Khalid, and Sajid Saleem
Submissions from 2014
Does the institutional quality matter to attract the foreign direct investment? An empirical investigation for Pakistan, Mohsin Hasnain Ahmad and Qazi Masood Ahmed
Dynamic effects of energy sector public investment on sectoral economic growth: experience from Pakistan economy, Syed Ammad and Qazi Masood Ahmed
Growth of business schools on social media: A comparative analysis with focus on IBA Karachi, Erum Hafeez Aslam
Book Review of: Nazlkramullah. Ganga Jumuni: Silver and Gold, A Forgotten Culture. Bengal Publications, 2013, Nadya Chishty-Mujahid
Impact of ISO 9000 on business performance in Pakistan: implications for quality in developing countries, Mahnaz Fatima
Determinants of energy inflation in Pakistan: an empirical analysis, Adnan Haider, Qazi Masood Ahmed, and Zohaib Jawed
AIESEC: the experience Pakistan challenge, Saima Husain and S. A. Nadir Hashmi
Revisiting assumptions in backoff process modeling and queueing analysis of wireless local area networks (WLANs), Faisal Iradat, Sergey Andreev, Sayeed Ghani, Syed Irfan Nabi, and Waseem Arain
A feasibility study of the ontology driven executable systems architecture framework, Imran Khan and Sajjad Haider
On building a consistent framework for executable systems architecture, Imran Khan and Sajjad Haider
Converting subalgebra bases with the Sagbi walk, Junaid Alam Khan
Lays: Halal/haram crisis, Jami Moiz and Nida Aslam Khan
Grounded ontology – a proposed methodology for emergent ontology engineering, Syed Irfan Nabi and Zaheeruddin Asif
Foreign aid, external debt and governance, Unbreen Qayyum, Musleh ud Din, and Adnan Haider
Impact of effectuation based interventions on the intentions to start a business, Muhammad Shahid Qureshi and Fawad Mahdi
Where do we stand in cost of quality awareness? Pakistan's case, Sheheryar Mohsin Qureshi, Sadia Majeed, and Rameez Khalid
Back Matter of Volume 9 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Back Matter of Volume 9 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Book Review of: The African genius: An introduction to African cultural and social history, Basil Davidson, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 9 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 9 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
One agricultural family's story, Amber Gul Rashid, Sharmain Zain Haroon, and Amna Nasir
Estimating Recurrence Intervals of Extreme Rainfall Through a Probabilistic Modeling Approach for Different Urban Cities of Pakistan, Naeem Sadiq and Muhammad Shahid Qureshi
Personal learning environments and university teacher roles explored using Delphi, Zaffar Ahmed Shaikh and Shakeel Ahmed Khoja
Wealth effect of mergers & acquisitions in emerging market: A case of Pakistan’s banking sector, Sana Tauseef and Mohammad Nishat
Track II as a method to break barriers: Pakistan-India relations since 1980, Talat A. Wizarat
Princely Jets (Pvt) Ltd – the air ambulance, Yasmin Zafar
Submissions from 2013
Study of economic development of Pakistan through stock market: Causal relationship of stock prices and macroeconomic indicators, Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Yaseen Ahmed Meenai, and Fazal Hussain
Pakistani responses to AfPak policy: local narratives and an ending global war?, Syeda Beena Butool
India – Pakistan trade: recent developments, future prospects and risks, Ishrat Husain Dr.
On the (De) homogenization of Sagbi bases, Junaid Alam Khan
Estimating the recreational value of Pakistan's largest freshwater lake to support sustainable tourism management using a travel cost model, Tehmina Mangan, Roy Brouwer, Heman Das. Lohano, and Ghulam Mustafa Nangraj
FocalPoint-proposed grounded methodology for collaborative construction of information systems security ontologies, Syed Irfan Nabi, Zaheeruddin Asif, Syed Muhammad Faisal Iradat, Muhammad Waseem Arain, and Sayeed Ghani
Back Matter of Volume 8 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Back Matter of Volume 8 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 8 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 8 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Lucky cement: A price leader in the Karachi Stock Exchange due to their marketing breakthrough in to the South Asian Markets, Aman U. Saiyed and Muhammad Asadullah
The effect of institutions on economic growth: A global analysis based on GMM dynamic panel estimation, Danish Ahmed Siddiqui and Qazi Masood Ahmed
Submissions from 2012
Avari Group: organizational values and crisis leadership (A), Nasir Afghan
Adaptation of the simulated annealing optimization algorithm to achieve improved near-optimum objective function values and computation times for multiple component manufacture, Atef Afifi Afifi, Wasim Ahmed Khan, and David R. Hayhurst
State power, civic participation and the urban frontier: the politics of the commons in Karachi, Nausheen H. Anwar
McDonald's breakfast launch dilemma, Farah Naz Baig
Use and abuse of scientific knowledge: The portrayal in the media, Huma Baqai
Using influence nets in financial informatics: A case study of Pakistan, Sajjad Haider, Muhammad Shafqat, and Shabih Haider
Adapting public sector services to local delivery, Ishrat Husain Dr.
Economic Reforms in Pakistan, Ishrat Husain Dr.
Mobile marketing at Telenor Pakistan – a MAD strategy?, Yasmin Malik
A comparative study of leading business schools of Pakistan: The market acceptability of IBA business graduates in the corporate sector, Yaseen Ahmed Meenai and Rizwan Raheem Ahmed
RFID-based patient tracking for regional collaborative healthcare, Qurban A. Memon and Shakeel Ahmed Khoja
The arrival of public information and asset price behavior in emerging markets: evidence from stock market in Pakistan, Khalid Mustafa and Mohammed Nishat
Financial reforms and corporate finance in emerging markets: An analysis of dividend policy among public listed firms in Pakistan, Mohammed Nishat and Wali Ullah
Back Matter of Volume 7 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 7 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 7 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Offshore outsourcing of IT services as new service development: the role of change and its management, Amber Gul Rashid
Perceiving forces, bumps, and touches from proprioceptive expectations, Christopher Stanton, Edward Ratanasena, Sajjad Haider, and Mary Anne Williams
Submissions from 2011
Succession in family businesses: Kinship culture and Islamic law of inheritance, Nasir Afghan
Does government expenditure affect tax revenue? A case study of Pakistan, Naved Ahmad, Shahid Ali, and Somia Iram
Technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in sugarcane production in Pakistan: A non-parametric approach, Heman D. Lohano, Adnan Nazir, and Ali M. Khushk
Financial sector regulation in Pakistan: the way forward, Ishrat Husain Dr.
Synote: Development of a Web-based tool for synchronized annotations, Yunjia Li, Mike Wald, Gary Wills, Shakeel Ahmed Khoja, David Millard, Jiri Kajaba, Priyanka Singh, and Lester Gilbert
Strategic buying at National Foods, Pakistan – a recipe for success, Mohammad Kamran Mumtaz and Shahid Raza Mir
Back Matter of Volume 6 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 6 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 6 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
BNOSA: A Bayesian network and ontology based semantic annotation framework, Quratulain Rajput and Sajjad Haider
A new business paradigm in the offing: Using the concept of just-in-time production, Aman U. Saiyed
Submissions from 2010
Corruption and financial sector performance: A cross-country analysis, Naved Ahmad and Shahid Ali
Determinant of tax buoyancy: Empirical evidence from developing countries, Qazi Masood Ahmed and Sulaiman Das. Mohammed
Exchange rate volatility and Pakistan's import demand: An application of autoregressive distributed lag model, Shaista Alam and Qazi Masood Ahmed
Pakistan’s experience with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 2000 – 2004, Ishrat Husain
Pakistan's growth experience 1947-2007, Ishrat Hussain
Semantic web for program administration, Q. A. Memon and Shakeel Ahmed Khoja
Financial market development and capital structure pattern in Pakistan: An aggregate level analysis, Mohammed Nishat
Back Matter of Volume 5 Number 2, Tufail A. Qureshi
Front Matter of Volume 5 Number 1, Tufail A. Qureshi