"Educational poverty by design: A case of mismanagement of national res" by Nisar Ahmad
Business Review


The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the causes of educational poverty in less developed countries. The basic intent in carrying out such a study is to define and derive the role of governing agencies in deliberately creating educational poverty in the country to safeguard the private interest of the rich and powerful ruling class of the society. This study is of major interest because majority of people living in less developed countries are poor in spite of the fact that almost all these countries own ample human and material resources and they have accumulated huge amount of external debt to finance economic development projects to enhance economic wellbeing of the society. However, the common man in these countries is continuously suffering and has been denied access to basic amenities of life including education, health and social services. The study found sufficient evidence to prove that educational poverty is the cause and consequence of income poverty. The rich and powerful ruling class in less developed countries is designing policies and strategies to keep the masses uneducated, unaware of their legitimate rights so that they can safeguard their own private interest. The paper advocates a complete reversal in economic growth policies of the poor countries so that top priority is given to those projects and programs that directly benefit the common man in the society. Looking at the successful experience of highly progressive countries of the world, the study lays down a consistent plan to empower the common man and to alleviate poverty in less developed countries. The author calls for awareness among the people to exercise their economic and social rights so that the people of all strata can share equally the fruits of growth and prosperity.


Reversing priorities, Incentive payments, Competence, Define and derive basic



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


February 26, 2021


January 01, 2014



Publication Stage



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