About Business Review | IBA Business Review | Journals | Institute of Business Administration
Business Review

About Business Review

Business Review is the flagship journal of the Institute of Business Administration Karachi. The Journal strives to publish novel and scholarly research with sound empirical and theoretical standing in the areas of business, economics, finance and management sciences. Launched in 2006, the Journal has been consistently published ever since.

Business Review is an open access double blind-peer review journal, accredited by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad in the "Y" category. The Business Review publishes two issues annually consisting of research-based articles. The journal is open to many points of view and encourages debate to find solutions for problems that involve and concern the academicians and the business community.

The journal is committed to storing all papers in digital archives to ensure that they will be available to readers, even in the event that the institute is no longer functioning or the journal is discontinued. To this end, the Business Review submits all journal content to Portico and CLOCKSS for long-term digital archiving.

Notice to Readers:

Please be informed that IBA Business Review has never released or archived any Case Studies/SPECIAL EDITION. All officially released volumes and issues of the journal since its inception in 2006 are accessible at https://ir.iba.edu.pk/businessreview, archived at Portico, and indexed in IDEAS, REPEC, JEL, EBSCO, DOAJ, and CrossRef.

Indexed in EBSCO, JEL, IDEAS, RePEc.