The objective of language teaching is effective communication. The role of English as an international language has led to this language being accepted as a symbol of modernity development and empowerment. However, what is of critical importance is that language teaching itself is not as effective as it should have been. This article is based on the findings of a pilot study "SWOT analysis of English Language Institutions in Karachi" conducted by the faculty of Hamdard Institute of Education and Social Sciences, Hamdard University Karachi The study indicates that most of the English Language Institutions in Karachi are; • not fully equipped; • managed by non-technical or less-qualified persons or groups; • working without any approved curriculum and teaching plans; • run with a high profit motives and adopting short-cuts of learning English language offering courses and guaranteed learning within a span of only three months; • not fully aware about their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; The study recommends the selling up of an accreditation body for the registration of English language institution all over the country; arranging training programs for the professional development of the heads and faculty of these institutions; introduction of a comprehensive test for the student of these institutions by third party to ensure the quality of learning process. A detailed SWOT analysis will be required to confirm the findings of the pilot study and a proper plan should be chalked out for the improvement of English Language Teaching institutions in Karachi/Pakistan.
Effective, Limited English proficiency, Scan analysis, SWOT, Symbol of modernity
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Recommended Citation
Aziz, S. A., Ahmed, S. N., & Amin, R. (2010). Improving English language institutions using SWAT analysis. Business Review, 5(2), 149-158. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.54784/1990-6587.1249
March 04, 2021
July 01, 2010
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