This study investigates the investor behavior in Asian emerging markets during the COVID pandemic period and assesses the asymmetric patterns and the influence of global and regional return dynamics on local investor behavior. It uses daily firm-level data from January 2001 to December 2020 for nine Asian emerging countries: China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand to estimate the impact of extreme price movements, market liquidity and US and Chinese market returns on local return dispersions using a non-linear specification. The findings indicate that rational price behavior prevailed in all markets over the COVID period. Though herding manifested itself occasionally during the low trading volume days in the pandemic period; overall, herd formation was not observed conditioned on domestic or non-domestic factors. Infact, our comparison of pre-COVID and COVID periods shows a significant shift in investment behavior away from herding and in favor of market efficiency for emerging markets of China, India and Korea. The findings on prevalence of rational price behavior are unique and reflective of improved informational environment in Asian emerging markets.
Rational price behavior, Herding, Return dispersions, Pandemic
Journal of Economic Literature Subject Codes
G11, G12, G14
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Tauseef, S. (2021). Investment behavior during COVID pandemic: An evidence from emerging Asian Markets. Business Review, 16(1), 76-100. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.54784/1990-6587.1265
March 18, 2021
August 16, 2021
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