"Software defined networking" by Urooj Waheed


Urooj Waheed


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science

Faculty / School

Faculty of Computer Sciences (FCS)

Date of Submission



Farhan Ahmed Siddiqui, Visiting Faculty, Faculty of Computer Science

Document type

MSCS Survey Report


In this research survey, we will review about software-defined networking (SDN) and its protocol OpenFlow. Using various software techniques instead of particular hardware to perform networking in a network of computers is known as Software defined networking (SDN). SDN separates the ‘control plane’ – manages how packet flows through network, and the ‘data plane’ – moves packets, without getting information of the hardware to be used for data transfer. Centralize control console can be used for achieving this purpose. The key technologies used in SDN are functional separation, network virtualization and automation through programmability.

SDN major features are; Control plane and the data plane are Decoupled, View of the network architecture and controller should be centralized, Interaction among devices into the control plane and the data plane should be open, External applications which are APIs manage network through programs.

The controller works as a centralized device which may be physically exists or logically formed. The control may in-band or out-of-band. Switches maintain the flow table entries. The configuration of entries may be in a reactive or proactive way and data plane resilience may be provided.

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