"Usability and profitability: an interconnected theory" by Anum Yaqub


Anum Yaqub


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science

Faculty / School

Faculty of Computer Sciences (FCS)

Date of Submission



Syed Asim Ali, Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science

Document type

MSCS Survey Report


With the advent of technology and its integration into the users lives as an integral part of it, the questions have shifted from `acceptance or rejection' to how `useful or not technology might be. From its first appearance more than a century back (Villar 2013) we can clearly deduce that many methods used in the field of usability have their roots back in the earlier fields of ergonomics, human factors, architecture and even psychology. Some of these fields have roots thatgo back to the beginning of life when the ancients adopted methods that would make their lives easier overtime. Unintentionally usability has become that one field which adopts concept from an extremely varied group of disciplines. (Flowers 2014, Percy 2008, Villar 2013) The main aim of this research is to provide an up-to-date, well-researched resource of past and current references to highlight the literature that shows how usability has altered designs, lifestyles and in the end businesses. This survey paper presents a comprehensive concept-centric review of usability from when its concept was initiated and where it might be going in the future. According to the research over 70 publications have been selected and classified into various categories such as (i) understanding user, (ii) aesthetics, (iii) design and (iv) context and how all these four elements help define usability in terms of profitability. Despite the research and efforts in this particular field there are still many areas of potential research and application that haven't been explored and provide a vast scope for study. (Ardito et al. 2009, Kim, Lin, and Sung 2013).

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