
BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Fall 2024

Date of Submission



Dr. Saqib Sharif, Associate Professor, Department of Finance

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Restricted Access


Digital Financial Literacy, Digital Wallets, Gen Z, Cashless Economy, Pakistan


From a cash-based economy to a cashless society, recent advancements in financial technology are changing the way individuals access financial services. With the advent of digital financial services such as digital wallets, individuals no longer need to carry cash to make transactions; instead, they can carry out financial services, from a single app in their smartphones. In Pakistan, digital financial services, particularly digital wallets have witnessed an upward surge in the last 7 years. Given this unprecedented popularity of digital wallets amongst young users, it becomes important for us to understand Gen Z’s level of digital financial literacy and its relationship with adoption of digital wallets. Thus, to explore the relationship between Gen Z’s digital financial literacy and adoption of digital wallets, this study employs an exploratory correlational mixed methods approach. The current study is undertaken in two phases. In the first phase, the dominant methodology is a quantitative survey which are filled by Gen Z individuals living in Pakistan. In the second phase, a less dominant qualitative method, which include semi-structured interviews with Gen Z participants. Based on 135 survey responses and 8 semi-structured interview, it was revealed that there exists a moderate positive relationship between digital financial literacy and digital wallet adoption. The results also highlighted that factors such an individual’s education and income play a mediating role between the two variables. These findings not only add to a nascent area of research but also carry important implications for policy makers, Governments, and business owners, alike.



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