Predictive Customer Segmentation in Risk Analysis

Student Name

Marium HashmiFollow


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science


School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)

Date of Submission

Spring 2024


Dr. Tariq Mahmood, Professor and Program Coordinator MS(CS) and MS(DS) Programs, School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)


Customer Segmentation, Risk Analysis, Machine Learning, K-means Clustering


This project aims to create a customer segmentation framework for risk analysis in the banking sector. Utilizing machine learning techniques, such as K-means clustering and PCA, the project segments customers into distinct risk groups based on various factors. The goal is to enhance decision-making processes in lending, credit scoring, and risk management. The framework provides actionable insights through interactive visualizations, offering significant potential for improving financial services and risk management in the banking industry.

Document Type

Restricted Access

Submission Type

Research Project

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