"Product launch plan for Colgate Palmolive Pakistan Limited" by Adam Yunus Dawood, Afsheen Qaiser et al.


Master of Business Administration

Faculty / School

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)


Dr. Shahid Qureshi, Professor, Department of Management

Project Coordinator (Internal)

Dr. Nasir Afghan, Asad Ilyas

Project Type

MBA Research Project


https://ir.iba.edu.pk/do/search/?q=Colgate%20Palmolive%20Pakistan%20Limited%20(CPPL)&start=0&context=22553187&facet=">Colgate Palmolive Pakistan Limited (CPPL), Oral Care, International Modern Trade (IMTs), Plax, Go-To-Market (GTM), Karachi Stock Exchange

Abstract / Summary

The group undertook a consulting project that took the group through a learning curve, providing a practical outlet to apply the skills that were developed. Working with Colgate Palmolive Pakistan Limited (CPPL) to create a launch plan for mouthwash brand Plax also enabled them to explore new notions of business practices and gain first-hand exposure to local corporate culture.

The first step entailed an extensive retail study across 64 International Modern Trade (IMTs), Local Modern Trade (LMTs) and Pharmacies. The objective was to assess distribution, pricing, shelving and merchandising of mouthwash and to analyze current competitors and margins. The next phase comprised a consumer research over Plax’s target market. The consumer research determined usage patterns, purchase triggers and habits of users and non-users and sought to validate the optimal product offering for Plax determined through the retail study. The research was conducted across 96 SEC A individuals in Karachi between the age of 25-40. Functional, cosmetic and social attributes were also assessed in determining consumer perceptions.

Based on both research findings, a Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy was recommended. Because it is a new category in Pakistan, the Plax launch requires massive awareness and trial generation to be successful. Therefore, the strategy devised spans over key customer touch-points derived from consumer and retail research given budgetary constraints specified by the client. In terms of media, it is recommended that TV and radio be employed only in the first month of launch to give the campaign a holistic perspective. However, throughout the year only value-adds received from the CPPL umbrella will be utilized for presence on TV and Radio. The primary focus of the GTM is creating word-of-mouth through various direct-to-consumer activities at places where consumers are most influenced (in-store, shopping, at work, with dentists’, at places of leisure etc). Additionally, a considerable amount of marketing spend has been allocated to digital media for the duration of the year to ensure that word-of-mouth created through consumer activities is carried forward and sustained in the target audiences’ mind. Banner ads on high-traffic websites, search engine optimization and marketing are also part of the digital strategy.

The recommended strategy seeks to attain a 25% monthly market share which as forecasted in the section on volumes will come about in the 9th month of launch, exceeding share expectations in the last quarter.

Available for download on Tuesday, December 31, 2030
