"Business analysis & strategy focusing on opportunities and areas of im" by Khan Akhter Rumman, Khwaja Nabeel Ahmed et al.


Master of Business Administration

Faculty / School

School of Business Studies (SBS)


Dr. Shahid Qureshi, Professor, Department of Management

Project Coordinator (External)

Mr. Jahanzaib Qamar (Assistant Manager – Projects) and Mr. Mohsin Qamar (Head of Finance)


Trax logistics

Committee Member 1

Dr. M. Shahid Qureshi Professor & Program Director CED Department of Management Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi

Project Type

MBA Research Project


https://ir.iba.edu.pk/do/search/?q=Strategic%20Analysis&start=0&context=8598587&facet=">Strategic Analysis, Ecommerce Logistics, Logistics Enabler, Dashboard Insights, Logistics Marketing

Abstract / Summary

Trax’s logistics division is disrupting the competitive landscape by utilizing its strong infrastructure. The aim of this study is to develop a root-level understand of the Company’s working parts i.e., different domains and how they gel in together to achieve the growth numbers currently.

The objective of the study is to redefine the digital marketing strategy and respective controls should be established that are able to act as a deterrent for any red flag or financial incompetence. Further, Microsoft PowerBI reports developed shall be and upgraded for ease of understanding of Management and key stakeholders.

Accordingly, seven (7) unstructured interviews were conducted with Trax Management team leads and major findings were as follows:

  1. Riders are key to delivering services as they act as customer touch points
  2. “Trust” is the key impediment to growth whereby consignor and consignee expect different service levels
  3. Supply chain is the bloodline of the Company and Trax is dependent on its free-flowing line-haul
  4. Efforts should be made to move beyond the “Awareness” stage of marketing
  5. Trax is currently facing a standalone risk of business continuity due to servers placed under same region
  6. Teams are aligned towards extracting data rather than try and understand the statistics behind BI dashboards
  7. The Finance system is currently not fully integrated, and the Company recently faced a cash crunch

The recommendations after analyzing the findings and considering the objectives at hand are as follows:

  1. Host servers independently under different regions
  2. Deploy consolidated dashboard for portfolio of business
  3. Digital Video Commercials along the lines of #TraxHojayega
  4. Strategic partnerships with vehicle customization workshops
  5. Automated full-fledged system deployment leading to extraction of trial balance; eventual automation of balance sheet for external financing
  6. Microsoft PowerBI dashboards for viewing and understanding the statistics behind it

Available for download on Monday, July 19, 2027
