Master of Business Administration Executive
Faculty / School
School of Business Studies (SBS)
Year of Award
Dr. Shahid R. Mir, Assistant Professor, Department of Management
Project Type
MBA Executive Research Project
Access Type
Restricted Access
Employee Engagement Index, Organizational Health Survey, Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd.
Executive Summary
Company values and employee engagement is directly impacted by a critical element in Human Resource Management – Performance Appraisal Process. In today’s world where businesses are dynamic, there’s a constant need that organizations should review work upon the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal and Feedback systems. This research project aims to investigate and propose practical enhancements to HR appraisal and feedback system of Fatima Fertilizers Ltd. Plant which can help the company in improving employee engagement. In 2019, Mercer conducted a survey of Employee Engagement Index (Organizational Health Survey) at Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd. (FFL). 100% response of employees was ensured in survey. Out of 12 dimensions of the survey, two Dimensions with the lowest scores were identified which were “Equitable Rewards” and “Job and Career”. The analysis of survey concluded that employee engagement score was specifically low in ‘Job and Career’ Dimension and employees were dissatisfied particularly with appraisal process. FFL management intend to improve the score by identifying gaps in current practices and implement further improvement steps to improve the EEI OHS Score by improving poor performing dimension i.e. “Job and Career”. Based on available literature and research, a relation of “employee’s engagement with effective appraisal feedback” is developed. Analysis and findings of 2019 survey conducted at FFL is made part of this research. This research identifies key challenges and limitations in current appraisal process. A questionnaire survey was conducted of at least 72 employees.
The results of this study can provide insight to the HR and policy making teams of Fertilizer sector companies to consider implications of Appraisal Feedback on aspects of Employee Engagement and encourages them to develop employee friendly policies accordingly.
viii, 54
Recommended Citation
Dilbagh, F., & Khan, T. (2024). Improvement of HR Appraisal and Feedback System of Fatima Fertilizer Ltd. Plant to Enhance Employee Engagement (Unpublished graduate research project). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from