"Recruitment and selection" by Salman Ahsan, Farah Sami et al.


Center for Executive Education (CEE)


Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management


Shah Muhammad Saad Hussain

Project Type

PGD Project Report

Executive Summary

This research paper presents a critique of the Recruitment and Selection practice and policies of United Bank Limited and suggestions for improvements. We have collected data from UBL’s HR, Line Managers and new recruits, Recruitment and Selection policies including forms, related documents, flow sheets of processes interviews of decision-makers, etc. A comparison with other banks’ Recruitment and Selection practices and policies has also been done. In Pakistan Banks change their practices according to the culture and environment in which they operate. Global changes also play a vital role in setting the standards of HR planning and Recruitment & Selection in the banking sector. Proper Human Resource Management enables maximization of profit. New concepts like HR-IT are developed to cope with the situation in which the bank is operating. The basic aim of all the banks is to earn PROFIT but now the idea is a little bit altered as HRM has taken a key place in the working of all the companies. As per these banks, Human Resources are now considered as an ASSET instead of LIABILITY. As of now, banks are focusing on retaining talents instead of searching for low-cost employees with lesser qualifications. It concludes with recommendations aimed at making HR planning more effective and result-oriented when tied to the Recruitment and Selection Process in the organization.


Client: United Bank Ltd

  • Zakir Hussain Anjum (VP - Manager Talent Acquisition)
  • Mahwish Saeed (AM - Talent Acquisition)
  • Syed Muhammad Uzair Hashmi (AM - Talent Acquisition)

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