
Center for Executive Education (CEE)


Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management


Dr. Nyla Aleem Ansari

Project Type

PGD Project Report

Executive Summary

Our project team was requisitioned by premier health care & educational institution to have a comprehensive review and analysis of career management practice. The project was initiated on 12th October 2015 with the development of ‘Terms of Reference’ for the project submitted to the client organization. As highlighted by the Project Team based on initial meetings with the client, the study would focus on employee perception and image of the practices and policies within the client organization with regard to career management in the following areas and other identified key indicators as well as comparison against prevalent best practices The process involved a series of on-site meetings with members of the client’s Human Resources team. Secondary data analysis of information provided by the client included the institution's employee engagement survey and result for FY 2014 and employee exit interview findings from 2012-2014 After review of data provided by the client and literature review in order to identify best practices in the discipline of career management, six key areas were identified as having an impact on the same: 1. Skills utilization 2. Appraisal System 3. Career Growth 4. Professional development 5. Work Load Balances After an in-depth analysis of the employee engagement survey and exit interview findings, in terms of career management, employee perception was that learning and opportunities for growth and development are consistently provided by the client organization. However, there was a challenge in long working hours and workload disrupting work-life balance and creating a stressful environment for employees, and those employee skills were not effectively utilized. This is corroborated by findings in the employee engagement survey for 2014 which has highlighted that workload is an issue especially for patient care staff and Employees have commented that there is a communication gap between the senior management and lower-level staff which needs to be addressed, also supervisors are expected to treat their team members fairly and expect guidance for on the job coaching. After responses on a detailed questionnaire were taken from the clients' HR manager issues such as career management and development opportunities and support is focused on a specific category of employees due to necessity rather than as a part of organizational policy, formal feedback on performance management to employees only at the time of performance evaluation and conflict resolution the prerogative of managers and supervisors only with training opportunities being provided mainly to the same, workload issues and stress on the job for critical emergency care staff and nurses working night care shifts, lack of a system of job rotation and job enrichment with the same being mainly and rarely initiated by staff themselves. Recommendations regarding the above-identified gaps in the identified areas impacting career management incorporate the need to bridge the significant gap in communication between supervisors and staff and the need for them to deal fairly with their staff members. Improvement in the performance management system with regard to taking feedback from employees and managers throughout the year as well as monitoring of the same from HR and a proper conflict resolution procedure, equitable provision of training opportunities to middle and junior staff members, practices of job enrichment and job rotation as a part of organizational policy especially for staff working in Emergency Room and nurses working in night shift and salary packages based on a market survey taken of similar institutions locally. Above all a well defined policy of career progression and career pathing accessible to all is a must, in order for the client to properly implement a system of career management within the client organization

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