
Purpose of study: BOP 1.0 proposition considers BOP market as consumer and a market based approach for alleviating poverty. Free market mechanism fails to inculcate the role of state for protecting the interest of vulnerable consumer. This paper reviews the vulnerabilities of BOP consumers and reality of marketing strategies for engaging this segment. This paper presents, the current legislative framework and suggestive guidelines to be considered while forming a marketing mix for subsistence market. It suggests a theoretical framework for ethical interaction and provides recommendation for marketers and policy makers for formulating and implementing policy at BOP.

Findings – Key findings that emerged are that the existing legislative framework fails to recognise complexity of BOP environment and there is an absence of concrete BOP legislative framework.

Practical implications – For managers, this research suggests a set of guidelines for doing business in a responsible manner at the BOP markets.

Social implications – Recommendations for public policymakers are offered that stress on the need for ethical marketing exchanges to address the concern over possible exploitation of this vulnerable population.

Design/methodology/approach – This research paper focuses on the cases highlighting the malpractices adopted for engagement of BOP consumer and defines the role of government in this free market mechanism. To analyse the role of government we consider existing policy and legislative framework to curb such malpractices followed by marketer. It is followed by suggestions and recommendation for designing an efficient policy mix and managerial implications.

Originality Value – This paper makes an original contribution in direction of revival of existing policies and guidelines for making BOP specific policies.

Session Theme

Parallel Session-Track: Bottom of the Pyramid

Session Type


Session Chair

Ms. Farah Baig

Start Date

19-12-2016 3:30 PM

End Date

19-12-2016 4:00 PM

Included in

Business Commons


Dec 19th, 3:30 PM Dec 19th, 4:00 PM

Parallel Session: Ethics of serving the bottom of pyramid market- a study in context of Indian food market

Purpose of study: BOP 1.0 proposition considers BOP market as consumer and a market based approach for alleviating poverty. Free market mechanism fails to inculcate the role of state for protecting the interest of vulnerable consumer. This paper reviews the vulnerabilities of BOP consumers and reality of marketing strategies for engaging this segment. This paper presents, the current legislative framework and suggestive guidelines to be considered while forming a marketing mix for subsistence market. It suggests a theoretical framework for ethical interaction and provides recommendation for marketers and policy makers for formulating and implementing policy at BOP.

Findings – Key findings that emerged are that the existing legislative framework fails to recognise complexity of BOP environment and there is an absence of concrete BOP legislative framework.

Practical implications – For managers, this research suggests a set of guidelines for doing business in a responsible manner at the BOP markets.

Social implications – Recommendations for public policymakers are offered that stress on the need for ethical marketing exchanges to address the concern over possible exploitation of this vulnerable population.

Design/methodology/approach – This research paper focuses on the cases highlighting the malpractices adopted for engagement of BOP consumer and defines the role of government in this free market mechanism. To analyse the role of government we consider existing policy and legislative framework to curb such malpractices followed by marketer. It is followed by suggestions and recommendation for designing an efficient policy mix and managerial implications.

Originality Value – This paper makes an original contribution in direction of revival of existing policies and guidelines for making BOP specific policies.