"Technology adoption in Pakistani banking industry using UTAUT" by Muhammad Mustafa Khan


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science

Faculty / School

School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)

Date of Submission



Waqas Mahmood, Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science

Document type

MSCS Survey Report


The success of any software product could be measured by its uses and adoption of that technology by the end-users. In this study, we investigate the factors on which bank user intents to adopt internet banking in Pakistan. A survey was conducted on Pakistani banking industry customers using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model which explains the intention of bank users to use the banking systems. The four predictors of UTAUT which were facilitating conditions, social influence, effort expectancy and performance expectancy were significant in predicting the intention of bank users to adopt the banking systems. Finally, we discuss the results, restrictions, implications and future recommendations.

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