BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)
Faculty / School
School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)
Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts
Date of Award
Spring 2021
Date of Submission
Dr. Sahar Nadeem Hamid, Assistant Professor and Chairperson Social Sciences & Liberal Arts
Project Type
SSLA Culminating Experience
Access Type
Restricted Access
This research paper focuses on raising awareness about the definition and what sexual assault or abuse and physical abuse is, how victims are being looked at through public’s lens, and the responses or reactions people give to them. The paper starts with the understanding of what sexual abuse and assault is and what are some of its forms, moving on to explaining physical abuse, and then how victims react after being subjected towards each of the abuses. Furthermore, how both men and women are abused and assaulted and what are some of the responses we hear from the people about the victims. Through surveys, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires, it will see how the academically educated Pakistani society, those having completed high school and enrolled in universities or Undergraduate programs, looks at the victims and how the victims live the rest of their life either being rejected, judged, or maybe getting accepted? It also explores the other factors that may lead to accepting a victim and touches upon some of the social and psychological challenges faced by the victims.
Keywords: abuse, victims, sexual, physical, assault, acceptance, marriage, rape, suffering, violence, gender, stigma
Recommended Citation
Khan, S. F. (2021). Sexual & physical abuse: acceptance of victims in academically educated Pakistani society (Unpublished undergraduate project). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from