BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)
Faculty / School
School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)
Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts
Date of Award
Spring 2021
Date of Submission
Dr. Laila Sohail Farooq, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts
Project Type
SSLA Culminating Experience
Access Type
Restricted Access
I researched on women parliamentarians and their role in bringing about effective change for women's issues. I conceptualized effective change through the passing of pro-women legislation. My interviews highlighted a number of limiting factors that affect the abilities of women parliamentarians in working for effective change. These were party influences and party lines, reserved seat candidates facing limitations in opportunity, general gender discrimination prevalent in all other professions, having to work harder and for longer hours, politicization of women's forums, intersectionality of interests, lack of easy accessibility of women parliamentarians to the public and women's organizations, lack of adequate training and religious backlash to women's issues among others. However, some pro-women legislation has been passed signifying steps in the right direction. Women have been able to work together to bring about effective change. This process just needs to keep moving in the same direction in order for more changes to be realized for women's issues.
Recommended Citation
Naim, K. (2021). Women Parliamentarians in Pakistan (Unpublished undergraduate project). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from