BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)
Faculty / School
School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)
Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts
Date of Award
Spring 2024
Date of Submission
Ramsha Siddiqui, Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences
Soha Macktoom,Lecturer, School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) and Associate Director, Karachi Urban Lab (KUL)
Project Type
SSLA Culminating Experience
Access Type
Restricted Access
Domestic Architecture, Urban Space, Masculinity, Femininity, Modernization
Within heterosexual domestic architectures, gendered spaces are usually characterized through a canonical divide within the living parameter, which causes places to become masculine or feminine in nature. While the divide is primarily based on the occupation of these spaces, it is also affected by other factors. This thesis intends to look at the intergenerational presence of individuals within three specific types of architecture present in post Partition Karachi. These include an old house with a sehan/aangan (courtyard) within the walled structure, a bungalow constructed with borrowed imprints and imperial styles, and an apartment with modern design initiatives. The project explores how architecture and spaces propagate the idea of gendered division and continue to do so. Furthermore, it also examines the influence of modernization and its role in changing modes of occupation from the time of post-Independence to now. The study will trace the position and occupancy of said structures to determine how those spaces are not neutral grounds; rather, socially active sites where certain areas are occupied by men and the rest by women.
Recommended Citation
Hasan, M. (2024). Mardana And Zenana: Tracing Karachi’s Urban House Architecture Post Independence from a Gendered Lens (Unpublished undergraduate project). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from