
BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Fall 2024

Date of Submission



Abira Ashfaque, Visiting Faculty, Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Restricted Access


Emotion work, Emotional labor, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, NGO workers


Utilizing the GNM questionnaire for Emotional Labor, Burnout and Job Satisfaction, this research explored the degree of emotional labor performed by NGO workers in Pakistan, and the effects of performing such labor on the burnout levels and job satisfaction levels of these workers. Moreover, using the results from the questionnaire and data from in-depth interviews, this research also evaluated the nature of work within NGOs in Pakistan. It was found that the burnout levels of workers who performed false face (surface acting) emotional labor were significantly higher than those who performed deep acting (emotional labor, personal efficacy). These findings aligned with the previous studies conducted within the public sector. However, this study found that job satisfaction levels of NGO workers were not influenced by emotional labor, which differs from the previous findings. Lastly, this research explored the institutional support factor in order to mitigate the effects of emotional labor-induced burnout and provided recommendations for targeted interventions to decrease the turnover rate within the NGO sector of Pakistan.



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