"Crypto Prediction Model" by Aneela Kanwal

Student Name

Aneela KanwalFollow


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science


School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)

Date of Submission

Spring 2022


Dr. Tariq Mahmood, Professor and Program Coordinator MS (CS) and MS (DS) Programs, Department of Computer Science


The proposed work investigates how to accurately anticipate cryptocurrency’s price by considering several factors that influence the currency’s price. The dataset information includes open, high, low, and close price details for a list of different cryptocurrency value up to the present day. Three models are used for this project namely GRU, LSTM, SARIMA. SARIMA model is a machine learning model whereas GRU, LSTM are Deep learning models. We did a comparison analysis to predict which model performs better in terms of predicting the future price of different cryptocurrencies based on its previous data.

Document Type

Restricted Access

Submission Type

Research Project

Available for download on Monday, June 15, 2026

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