
Master of Business Administration Executive

Faculty / School

School of Business Studies (SBS)

Year of Award



Dr. Shahid R. Mir, Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Project Type

MBA Executive Research Project

Access Type

Restricted Access

Executive Summary

Post-harvest losses in Pakistan's mango industry present a formidable challenge, stemming from inadequate storage, transportation, and harvesting practices. Given the paramount agricultural importance of mangoes in Pakistan, addressing these losses has the potential to significantly influence both the nation's economy and its food security, meeting the demands of both local and global markets.

Various factors contribute to post-harvest losses, including outdated storage facilities, insufficient transportation infrastructure, and less-than-optimal processing techniques. A critical concern is the lack of awareness among farmers and stakeholders about effective post-harvest management practices, leading to a considerable rate of spoilage. Additionally, the absence of regulatory bodies for price control, fertilizers, and pesticides, combined with a shortage of high-tech machinery, machinery subsidies, and skilled labor, further hampers overall efficiency.

Unfortunately, little has been done to address these issues and align with the escalating demands for mangoes and their pulp. The annual 10% increase in demand underscores the pressing need to tackle post-harvest wastage and enhance efficiency in pulp extraction, urging substantial investment and innovation in the mango industry.

The core issue lies in the imperative for improved post-harvest management, not only to minimize fruit wastage but also to bolster farmers' income and contribute to the country's economic growth. Enhancing efficiency in mango pulp extraction becomes crucial to meet the demands of local Juice, Nectar, and Still Drinks (JNSD) industries, reducing reliance on external pulp sources. Our research aims to equip local farmers with practical solutions for heightened profitability, increased yield, refined post-harvesting practices, and well-informed recommendations for efficient mango pulp extraction and storage.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of the Pakistani Government, our research advocates for supporting small farmers by establishing subsidized cold storage facilities and facilitating easy loan schemes for advanced machinery. Furthermore, incentivizing solar panels and advanced irrigation systems through subsidies can lead to increased yields. Government initiatives to educate local farmers on enhanced farming practices further contribute to sustainable agricultural growth.

Our conviction is that the adoption of these recommendations by the local mango fruit industry can not only meet rising local demands from consumers and the JNSD industry but also pave the way for increased exports, providing a substantial financial boost to the country.



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