
Master of Business Administration Executive

Faculty / School

School of Business Studies (SBS)

Year of Award



Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Butt, Professor, Department of Marketing

Project Type

MBA Executive Research Project

Access Type

Restricted Access

Executive Summary

The landscape of consumer behavior in Pakistan is evolving, with the pre-owned shoe market witnessing rapid growth. Traditionally confined to automobiles and electronics, the second- hand market in Pakistan has significantly extended to shoes. This shift has been largely catalyzed by the surge in e-commerce and mounting inflationary pressures.

Capitalizing on these changes, this study dissects the key motivations influencing the purchasing decisions of millennials and Gen Z consumers, who make up a significant portion of the pre-owned shoe market. The study primarily focuses on individuals in their late twenties to early thirties, with a higher representation of males. These consumers, typically affluent with higher levels of education and full-time employment, have demonstrated a clear preference for athletic footwear. Their diverse preferences regarding brands, styles, and occasions underline the multifaceted factors influencing their purchasing decisions in the pre-owned shoe market.

To uncover the drivers behind these decisions, this study investigated the motivations and perceived value influencing the purchase intention of pre-owned shoes in the online market in Pakistan. Guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen 1991), the research evaluated six motivational factors – economic, critical, hedonic, fashion, status seeking, and technological – and their impact on perceived value and purchase intentions. Of these, technological motivation and status-seeking motivation were found to have a significant relationship with perceived value. The subsequent influence of perceived value on purchase intention revealed a solid correlation, explaining 27% of the purchase intention. Notably, the Theory of Planned Behavior helped illuminate how consumers' attitudes towards the behavior (status-seeking and fashion motivations), subjective norms (slight influence of critical motivation), and perceived behavioral control (technological motivation) interact to form the consumers' intention to purchase pre-owned shoes. The research findings present a nuanced understanding of Pakistani consumers in the online pre-owned shoe market, paving the way for retailers and future studies to better cater to this growing demographic. A thorough evaluation of these variables through statistical analyses and regression models revealed interesting trends. Notably, the study challenges the traditional belief that economic motivation holds significant influence over consumers in the second-hand market. Instead, it highlights that factor such as fashion motivation, status-seeking, and technological motivation significantly impact perceived value and purchase intentions. Technological motivation, primarily shaped by the convenience and expansive choice offered by online shopping, emerged as a key factor.

The desire for unique, trendy collections that resonate with individuality, style, and xi status encapsulates the essence of status-seeking motivation, which also significantly contributes to perceived value.

However, the study does acknowledge a slight influence from economic and critical motivations, illustrating the burgeoning concerns over sustainability and affordability amidst consumers. This underlines the importance of considering a broader range of motivations in understanding the consumer behavior in the pre-owned shoe market.

The implications of these findings go beyond academics, offering valuable insights for industry stakeholders. Online retailers of pre-owned shoes, for instance, can align their offerings with the unique motivations of their consumers. By curating trend-driven, unique collections and fostering a sustainable brand image, retailers can enhance the perceived value of their products, thus encouraging purchase intentions.

This report reveals a nuanced understanding of consumer behavior in Pakistan's pre- owned shoe market. The intersection of technology, status-seeking, and fashion-consciousness emerges as a key driver, providing a new direction for future research.


xi, 92

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