
Master of Business Administration Executive

Faculty / School

School of Business Studies (SBS)

Year of Award



Dr. Yasir Mansoor Kundi, Assistant Professor, Department of Management

Project Type

MBA Executive Research Project

Access Type

Restricted Access

Executive Summary

This report presents the findings of a study conducted to examine the impact of discretionary human resource practices on work engagement, job performance, and job satisfaction and employee loyalty acting as a mediator at the International Industries Limited. The study involved surveying 112 employees to gather data and gain insights into these relationships.

The research findings reveal several important findings. Discretionary human resource practices were found to have a considerable influence on employee loyalty, work engagement, job satisfaction, and job performance.

Furthermore, employee loyalty was identified as a mediator, playing a crucial role in transmitting the effects of discretionary human resource practices to the outcomes of work engagement, job satisfaction, and job performance.

In addition, discretionary human resource practices were found to have a significant positive impact on employee loyalty. The implementation of discretionary practices such as flexible work arrangements, training and development opportunities, and recognition programs was associated with higher levels of employee loyalty within the organization.

Furthermore, the study highlights the mediating role of employee loyalty in the relationship between discretionary human resource practices and work engagement, job performance, and job satisfaction. Employee loyalty was found to positively influence work engagement, job performance, and job satisfaction. This suggests that when employees perceive their organization's commitment to their well-being through discretionary practices, they are more likely to exhibit higher levels of work engagement, perform better in their roles, and experience greater job satisfaction.

However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study. The use of a cross-sectional design limits our ability to establish causal relationships between the variables. The generalizability of the findings is also constrained, as the study focused solely on a single company in Pakistan. Additionally, the sample size of 112 employees may restrict the broader applicability of the results.

Based on these findings, it is recommended that organizations consider implementing discretionary human resource practices to enhance employee loyalty, work engagement, job performance, and job satisfaction. By providing flexible work arrangements, opportunities for training and development, and recognition programs, organizations can foster a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees, leading to improved work outcomes.

Future research should consider longitudinal or experimental designs to establish causality between discretionary human resource practices, employee loyalty, and work outcomes. Additionally, studies in diverse organizational contexts and larger sample sizes would strengthen the generalizability of the findings.

Overall, this research contributes to the understanding of the relationship between discretionary human resource practices, employee loyalty, and work outcomes. The findings underscore the importance of strategic HR practices in promoting employee well-being and organizational success.



Available for download on Tuesday, December 31, 2030

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