"A business approach for loss reduction" by Zulfiqar Ali


Zulfiqar Ali


Master of Business Administration Executive

Faculty / School

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)

Year of Award


Project Type

MBA Executive Research Project

Access Type

Restricted Access

Executive Summary

The goal of this feasibility study is to develop a non-conventional innovative plan and strategy to reduce or eliminate KESC's losses of power through business approach using technical & non-technical resources.

This study required evaluation of the KESC distribution system in order to characterize and quantify losses, geographic and demographic constraints, and social acceptance issues. Based on this 1 designed a pilot project covering specified residential, commercial and industrial customers and a defined geographic area, primarily in the Defence Housing Society of Karachi as a sample.

The objective of this project is to conduct a comprehensive study to select an innovative technology and define the policies and procedures to implement a technological solution to reduce the losses. As an outcome of this project, parameters such as the number of meters, technical capability, geographic boundaries, cost, and interfaces of the pilot Smart Grid project were defined. Furthermore, Economic and Financial Analysis were performed to demonstrate the feasibility of the pilot project. Thus, the Smart Grid feasibility study determined the parameters affecting technical losses of the KESC distribution system.

In order to accomplish the goals and objectives of the project, five feeders in the Defence area were selected with the highest losses (in excess of 20%), which would maximize the return on investment from the Smart Metering Project. The selected feeders for Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) will help KESC reduce the losses and improve revenue.

The proposed solution involved installing Smart Meters and the associated infrastructure (Communication and MDMS) on five distribution feeders in the Defence area with the highest losses (in excess of 20% on each feeder). Table below summarizes the selected feeders for the Smart Metering Project and their respective loss percentages.



Available for download on Tuesday, December 31, 2030

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