
Aly Bhamani


Master of Business Administration Executive

Faculty / School

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)

Year of Award


Project Type

MBA Executive Research Project

Access Type

Restricted Access

Executive Summary

Taking private tuition by school students has become a norm in today’s society, so much so, that it is considered important by many parents and students to secure higher marks in examinations. Such is the case at Hampton School where numerous students are found taking tuitions for different subjects. In many ways private tuition and their teaching style and methods works and affects the students in a different way as compared to the teachings of the school. Can they coexist for the betterment of the student or school, or will each system (private tuitions and school) work against each other and in the process end up hanning the student. My goal was to shed light on these questions.

My primary research was conducted on students through questionnaire with a sample size of 103. A separate questionnaire was made for head teachers and coordinator of Hampton School. Telephonic interviews were conducted from Parents and tuition teacher with a sample size of 16 and 5 respectively. Separate sets of questions were carefully designed and asked from parents and teachers- in interviews to understand their point of view on tuitions and its effect on the students.

It was noted in the results that student took tuitions in middle grades (VIVIII and VIII) take help in their homework, while seniors (IX, X and XI) took tuition to secure better marks at O-levels, one of the reasons of taking tuitions as noted by tuition teachers in the interviews was either parent being to busy to monitor their child at home for studies or students getting serious in studies only few months prior examination. It was found that tuition did not always help improve the child grades and in cases, it was found to have little to no effect on their academic performances in school. Issue such as students getting insufficient time for self

study and to play, lack of attendance in school three month prior examination, missing extra classes arranged by school teacher due to tuition, Confusion with teaching method of math teacher at school and tuition, creating problems for our schoolteacher and at times creating confusion for the student. Few other problems were Tuition teacher giving out guess papers and students relying on them during examination, students not asking questions in class as they feel they can in tuitions and finally tuition centers tests and Homework, with school tests and homework, which can further overburden a child.

With such negative impacts of tuitions, it is important for Hampton school to at least monitor and to an extent control the amount of tuitions taken by their students. My recommendation to Hampton school is to form teacher assistant groups, a group of intelligent and academically strong selected student from each class mentoring weaker student after school. These students should be paid on hourly bases and it should be made compulsory for weaker students to attend. Hampton school must revise their Homework policy to ensure it does not overburden the child and train teachers to encourage class participation in class. Parents should be counseled by school to ensure they monitor their child studies at home and coordinator and head teachers should watch a close eye on grades of students and providing them the necessary help.

Limitation of this research is the sample size of tuition teachers. A greater sample size would have been helpful in understanding further information regarding their view on tuition My future recommendation would be to expand this research by adding other schools and seeing their impact on tuition across students of different schools and comparing between them.



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