
Center for Executive Education (CEE)


Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Management


Dr. Farah Ahmad

Project Type

PGD Project Report

Executive Summary

It is one amongst the biggest community primarily based programs within the world, providing primary care services regarding a hundred and five million people, most of that is rural poor. The program has been instrumental in up health connected indicators of maternal and child health in the last twenty-seven years. Signatories of the first Health Conference in Alma Ata, the government adopted a community doctors’ program, which aligned well with the first Health Care approach, which advocated that healthcare should be in accordance with the socio-cultural and socio-economic attributes of a society for it to be effective. Analysis of the collected data showed no significant distinction in the outcome of deliveries in covered and uncovered i.e. covered by lady health worker (LHW) space and Uncovered wherever there is no Lady Health worker (LHW) interventions. Furthermore, only few parameters showed significant difference between the covered and uncovered area. The state of affairs founds virtually identical and or a step ahead from the lady health workers (LHWs). The Study shows that the additive accomplishment of the covered area is somehow larger than the uncovered, however, the distinction is just too low, after we compare it with the non-intervention area wherever is not a single person is devoted for the tasks. In addition, cumulative figures are almost equivalent except few key performance indicators (KPIs) that are improved. Furthermore, after we analyze the existing data it is not strong enough in itself and the KPIs performance is underachieved on each way that targeted population wise and indicator screening wise.

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