Technical Papers Parallel Session-VI: Taxonomy of ubiquitous computing: Applications and challenges


Ubiquitous computing is the emerging technology in computer science. It is a method of enhancing computer usage by making many small computer systems available throughout the environment i-e physical environment. The main concept is to implement smart objects and computer system in real world being disappearing. Disappearance of computer system implies to functionality of these computer must move to the surroundings regardless of location. Embedded technology became more mature and advance. Physical computer system and embedded smart objects fixed together to achieve specific goal. In ubiquitous computing environment billions of smart objects can be implemented for the user support. One can easily connect and configure access setting without any restriction. Although this may cause security and reliability issue but it works. In this regard there are some critical issues also in ubiquitous computing such as security, reliability, social and ethical issue are important to monitor. In this paper ubiquitous computing is presented and its application, challenges and elements of ubiquitous computing are discussed in detail. Finally in last concluded remarks are given about whole discussion.


C9, Aman Tower

Session Theme

Technical Papers Parallel Session-VI: ICT & Society

Session Type

Parallel Technical Session

Session Chair

Dr. Tafseer Ahmed Khan

Start Date

31-12-2017 3:00 PM

End Date

31-12-2017 3:20 PM


Dec 31st, 3:00 PM Dec 31st, 3:20 PM

Technical Papers Parallel Session-VI: Taxonomy of ubiquitous computing: Applications and challenges

C9, Aman Tower

Ubiquitous computing is the emerging technology in computer science. It is a method of enhancing computer usage by making many small computer systems available throughout the environment i-e physical environment. The main concept is to implement smart objects and computer system in real world being disappearing. Disappearance of computer system implies to functionality of these computer must move to the surroundings regardless of location. Embedded technology became more mature and advance. Physical computer system and embedded smart objects fixed together to achieve specific goal. In ubiquitous computing environment billions of smart objects can be implemented for the user support. One can easily connect and configure access setting without any restriction. Although this may cause security and reliability issue but it works. In this regard there are some critical issues also in ubiquitous computing such as security, reliability, social and ethical issue are important to monitor. In this paper ubiquitous computing is presented and its application, challenges and elements of ubiquitous computing are discussed in detail. Finally in last concluded remarks are given about whole discussion.