
The paper presents an analysis of energy efficient routing protocols with direct communication protocol. A comparison of these protocols is made analyzing energy consumption at each node and explaining system lifetime after certain rounds. The paper also proposes a novel energy conscious cluster head selection algorithm for making system more reliable and efficient. Simulation shows that our proposed algorithm enhances the system reliability and accuracy.


Crystal Ball Room A, Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, Pakistan

Session Theme

Poster Session A: Wireless Networks [WN]

Session Type

Poster Session

Session Chair

Dr. Sohail H. Naqvi

Start Date

28-8-2005 12:05 PM

End Date

28-8-2005 12:25 PM


Aug 28th, 12:05 PM Aug 28th, 12:25 PM

Poster Session A: Analyzing & enhancing energy efficient communication protocol for wireless micro-sensor networks

Crystal Ball Room A, Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, Pakistan

The paper presents an analysis of energy efficient routing protocols with direct communication protocol. A comparison of these protocols is made analyzing energy consumption at each node and explaining system lifetime after certain rounds. The paper also proposes a novel energy conscious cluster head selection algorithm for making system more reliable and efficient. Simulation shows that our proposed algorithm enhances the system reliability and accuracy.