"Methodology for the development of executable system architecture" by Imran Khan

Methodology for the development of executable system architecture

Faculty / School

Faculty of Computer Sciences (FCS)


Department of Computer Science

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Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Conference Name

FIT '10: 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology

Conference Location

Islamabad, Pakistan

Conference Dates

20-23 December 2010


79952581839 (Scopus)

First Page


Last Page



Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States

Abstract / Description

This research is an endeavor to provide an approach that will help in managing complexities of a system architecture at abstract level and allow the architect to visually analyze the proposed system. Convergence of three established modeling tools, ontology, UML, and CPN, will be used to demonstrate the dual functionality (static and dynamic) of the methodology proposed. Ontology and UML are used to model static view of system architecture whereas dynamic/executable model is developed in CPN. Proposed methodology uses OWL ontology to define domain terminology in a domain model and establishes contextual relationship among those terms. As the domain knowledge is modeled in ontology which is machine interpretable and support automated inference. So, an architect can reuse the existing domain model and save time and effort. The proposed methodology uses UML for the specification of behavior and provides the steps to map static view of system architecture modeled in Ontology and UML to dynamic view modeled in CPN. The transformation of static model into executable model will help in conducting behavior analysis of systems architecture.

Citation/Publisher Attribution

Khan, I. (2010, December). Methodology for the development of executable system architecture. In Proceedings of the 8th international conference on frontiers of information technology (pp. 1-4).
