Designing and optimization of omni-directional kick for bipedal robots

Faculty / School

Faculty of Computer Sciences (FCS)


Department of Computer Science

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Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Author Affiliation

  • Syed Ali Raza is Ph.D. Scholar at the Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
  • Sajjad Haider is Associate Professor at Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

Conference Name

International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems

Conference Location

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Conference Dates

17-21 June 2013


84881381071 (Scopus)

First Page


Last Page



Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Abstract / Description

The paper presents designing and optimization of key-frame based kick skills for bipedal robots. The kicks, evolved via evolutionary algorithms, allow a humanoid robot to kick in straight, sideways, backward and in angular directions. Experiments are conducted on the simulated model of Nao robot that is being used in the RoboCup Soccer 3D Simulation league. The initial sets of kicks were manually designed by human experts and were passed as seed values to the optimization process. Correctness in the kick direction and the distance covered by the ball were used as the fitness criteria. The findings of the paper not only significantly improves the capability of our RoboCup Soccer 3D team but also provides insight in the designing and optimization of key-frame based kicks that can be utilized by other teams participating in bipedal soccer.

Citation/Publisher Attribution

Raza, S. A., & Haider, S. (2013, June). Designing and optimization of omni-directional kick for bipedal robots. In International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (pp. 292-301). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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