Current issues in Pakistan's economy
Abstract / Description
This book is a compilation of papers, speeches and addresses delivered by Dr. Ishrat Husain, Governor State Bank of Pakistan on current issues in Pakistan's economy as of Finance, Growth, Poverty and Globalization.
Finance, Growth, Poverty, Human development, Globalization, Islamic Finance, SME Financing, Banking sector, Housing Finance, Capacity building, Global markets, Exports competitiveness, Redistributing income, Poverty reduction
Table of Contents
- FINANCE-------------------------------------------------------1-116
- GROWTH ------------------------------------------------------ 117-177
- POVERTY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT------------- 179-220
- GLOBALIZATION --------------------------------------------- 221-255
Publication Date
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Recommended Citation
Husain, I. (2004). Current issues in Pakistan's economy. Retrieved from https://ir.iba.edu.pk/faculty-research-books/7
Current Issues in Pakistan's Economy: Finance, Growth , Poverty, Globalization
A collection of papers, speeches & addresses delivered by Dr. Ishrat Husain Governor, State Bank of Pakistan during April, 2003-June 2004