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Abstract / Description
The transfer of real resources to developing countries is at the heart of the Development Committee's mandate as set out in the parallel resolutions of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund under which the Committee was established in 1974. In recent years trends in the transfer of resources have been a standing item on the agenda of the Development Committee. In April 1988 the Committee discussed in depth the adequacy of resource flows to developing countries. These discussions were based on a report by the Bank which surveyed historical trends in net flows and net transfers of external finance from all sources, public and private, to all developing countries in the 1980s. The general conclusion of members was that larger financial flows to developing countries were required for economic growth, the alleviation of poverty, environmental protection, structural adjustment, and the resolution of debt difficulties. Members also emphasized that sound policies, a more supportive world economic environment, and improved prospects for export earnings would contribute toward increased resource flows. In view of the wide interest in the subject, the Bank's paper, "The Adequacy of Resource Flows to Developing Countries," is now being made available to a broader audience.
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Husain, I. (1988). The Adequacy of Resource Flows to Developing Countries. Retrieved from