"A framework for the development of executable systems architecture" by Imran Khan

All Theses and Dissertations


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science

Date of Award

Fall 2014


Dr. Sajjad Haider

Committee Member 1

Dr. Asim ur Rehman, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Karachi, Pakistan

Committee Member 2

Dr. Sharifullah Khan, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

Project Type


Access Type

Restricted Access


xv, 171


The thesis presents a framework for executable systems architecture, termed as Consistent Systems Architecture Description and Behavior Framework (CSADBF). The framework shows how consistency can be maintained while modeling architectural description and behavior of a system. A combination of three established modeling techniques; ontology, UML (Unified Modeling Language), and Coloured Petri Nets (CPN), is used to develop this framework whereby each tool complements others in accomplishing the goal of consistency maintenance for the executable systems architecture. The framework suggests various mapping schemes that help in establishing strong concordance among different artifacts of these modeling techniques and maintaining consistency of overall system architecture. The first scheme maps OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontology to UML and is responsible for maintaining consistency of the architectural description. The second scheme maps combination of OWL ontology and UML, to CPN and is responsible for maintaining consistency between static and dynamic views. The third scheme ensures the behavioral consistency of the architecture by providing mapping between SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) and CPN guard conditions and arc inscription. Thus, the framework allows architects to model the systems architecture requirements in OWL ontology and UML and to analyze the behavior and performance of systems architecture in CPN. The thesis demonstrates the framework with the help of case studies and comparisons with other frameworks proposed the literature. Evaluation of information capacity and correctness of the mapping schemes is also demonstrated in the thesis using the same case studies. The empirical results proves that the transformation evolves in the proposed framework CSADBF is correct and lossless. The result also verifies preservation of information capacity which is evident from complete transformation of source model into the target model.

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