All Theses and Dissertations
Master of Science in Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Date of Award
Fall 2015
Dr. Junaid Alam Khan
Committee Member 1
Dr. Muhammad Saeed Akram, COMSATS University, Islamabad
Committee Member 2
Dr. Ahsan Binyamin, Government College University, Faisalabad
Project Type
Access Type
Restricted Access
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In this thesis we will define Grobner basis, for ideals of multivariate polynomial ring, which solves the ideal membership problem. Then analogy of the theory of Grobner basis in subalgebra, the theory of Sagbi basis, is discussed. It is shown that Sagbi basis solves the subalgerba membership problem. The main goal is to present the theory related to homogeneous Sagbi basis and d-Sagbi basis. It is shown that homogeneous polynomial with a certain degree d, will, after s-reduction, yield a homogeneous polynomial, having degree within the bound d. Similarly, if a Ssagbi basis is homogeneous then the subalgebra generated by it, is also homogeneous. Lastly it is determined that Sagbi basis construction algorithm bounded by certain degrees, is less expensive for finding Sagbi basis, due to computations within those degree bounds. Moreover it is also presented that bounded algorithm from 0 to certain degree d, gives an outcome, known as d-Sagbi basis. This d-Sagbi basis is used to solve the subalgebra membership problem with a lot less computations as compared to solving it through Sagbi basis.
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Recommended Citation
Sarfaraz, S. (2015). Homogeneous sagbi basis (Unpublished master's thesis). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from