All Theses and Dissertations
Master of Science in Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Date of Award
Spring 2020
Dr. Danish Ali
Committee Member 1
Dr. Usman Ali, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Committee Member 2
Dr. Saima Parveen, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Committee Member 3
Dr. Hisham Bin Zubair, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Project Type
Access Type
Restricted Access
viii, 45
In this paper, we have developed a homology theory for finite spaces based on functions from Sierpinski topological space and its product topology to the finite space under consideration, which was called Sierpinski-cubical-singular homology. This homology satisfied all the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms of homology theory' and thus isomorphic to the well-known homology theories such as simplicial homology theory, singular homology theory, etc. for finite spaces.
Link to Catalog Record
Recommended Citation
Zaidi, S. H. (2020). Sierpinski cubical singular homology for finite spaces (Unpublished master's thesis). Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan. Retrieved from