
BS (Social Sciences & Liberal Arts)

Faculty / School

School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS)


Department of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Date of Submission



Dr. Saima Bint-E-Saif, Assistant Professor, Department of SSLA

Project Type

SSLA Culminating Experience

Access Type

Open Access


Family Communication, Communication Gap, Joint Family, Nuclear Family, Emotional Wellbeing


This qualitative research explores the existence and impact of communication gaps in Pakistani, desi families and compares joint and nuclear family systems by delving into the nuances of family dynamics. It explores how the presence of a communication gap impacts the emotional well-being of family members. It was aimed to uncover the manifestations of communication gaps, the comparison of that between joint and nuclear families, and how it has an emotional, psychological effect on family members. A sample of six young women were recruited and divided into two groups based on the family they belonged to i.e., joint or nuclear. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and their family dynamics in relation to communication gaps were studied as well as the emotional impact these gaps had. A thematic Analysis was conducted whereby six preconceived themes were applied regarding the existence of family communication gaps. The six themes identified were Communication settings and Context, Openness and Encouragement, Decision making and Autonomy, Handling disagreements and Conflicts, Encouragement of Self-Actualization, and Relationship Quality and Communication gap. With the help of thematic analysis, further sub-themes were extracted under each theme. There is limited research on the communication gaps in families, specifically in Pakistan and this research aims to fill that gap as well as pave the way for future research to be conducted on this topic. It can promote better communication patterns within family and account for a better expression of emotions as well as emotional health of family members.

Key words: family communication, communication gap, joint family, nuclear family, emotional wellbeing


