Student Name

Syed HasnainFollow


Master of Science in Computer Science


Department of Computer Science


School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)

Date of Submission

Winter 2024


Dr. Faisal Iradat, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SMCS)


Artificial Intelligence, Value Co-Creation Mechanisms, Market Knowledge, B2B Healthcare Ecosystem, Digital Transformation


Research in recent years has mostly concentrated on the theoretical issues and technical facets of artificial intelligence (AI). Businesses are now faced with the dilemma of how to implement AI that provides economic value due to the flood of data and the growth in processing capacity. There is still little research in this area on how to use AI for B2B operations, particularly marketing. This study utilizes the micro-foundations methodology, the dynamic capabilities perspective of the company, and a few case studies of large organizations that employ AI for B2B marketing in order to fill this gap. The report highlights how businesses may utilize AI to manage B2B by identifying a variety of AI specific micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities. The data from this analysis also revealed several significant cross-cutting components that show how certain key concepts are related to one another and how they impact overall business value.

Document Type

Restricted Access

Submission Type

Research Project

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