
Master of Business Administration

Faculty / School

School of Business Studies (SBS)


Adnan Ahmed, Visiting Faculty, Department of Marketing

Project Coordinator (External)

Talha Khalil & Head of Procurement Department at Alkaram Textiles Mills Ltd


Al-KaramTextile Mills Ltd

Committee Member 1

Adnan Ahmed

Committee Member 2

Yaseen Ahmed Meenai, Examiner, Lecturer, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi

Project Type

MBA Research Project


Procurement Process, Oracle ERP System, Automation, Data Integration, Interdepartmental Communication

Abstract / Summary

This research touches on a case study of Alkaram Textile Mills (AKTM) and seeks to analyze the procurement process and look for ways in which efficiency can be improved through the adoption of information technology. Using semi structured interviews with AKTM personnel and industry reports, the study establishes important findings concerning the procurements challenges faced by the firm. As a result, key areas of concern identified include manual operations where there is overload such as Bill of Materials (BOM) creation and Request for Quotation (RFQ) processes. These problems are compounded by the fact that the current Oracle ERP system is not used optimally for these tasks, forcing employees to improvise with other systems to accomplish these tasks, which only adds to the burden. Also, information silos and slow marketing approval hinder lead time and hence procurement efficiency. The report recommends several strategic solutions: Automated BOM Creation: To avoid having to manually input data and also to create BOMs more efficiently, the organization should undertake an Oracle bulk item upload process. Integrated Information System: Optimizing decision-making and reducing dependence on manual reports through implementing a centralized dashboard for real-time visibility of inventory status, vendors, and project progress. Enhanced Communication Protocols: Defining procedures for the interaction between departments/cross-department data sharing to minimize delays due to misunderstandings. Training and Development: Offering extensive training to employees on the efficient use of the Oracle ERP system as well as all other tools acquired to enhance efficiency. These recommendations are intended to help AKTM redesign its procurement process by implementing digital solutions to improve data handling and streamline interactions between departments. It is forecasted that the application of those strategies would eventually enhance the performance of procurement activities, which in turn enable AKTM to strengthen its position in the international textile sector. So, it is possible to state that the adoption of the superior data management instruments and strengthening of interdepartmental cooperation are the main strategic factors that can further preserve AKTM’s competitive advantage. If implemented, the above solutions will help AKTM xi to deal effectively with the existing problems and pursue its objectives to make significant improvements in the procurement supply chain for the constant success and innovation of the textile sector.

Available for download on Tuesday, February 02, 2027
