Trainers from Finland come to IBA-CED for training entrepreneurs
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The IBA Karachi’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) held its ‘Winter Immersion Programme’ (WIP) from December 16 to 19 at the City Campus. Renowned international trainers, including Dr. Sanna Ilonen and Joachim Ramstrom from Finland’s University of Turku, and Islam Mohamed from Saudi Arabia’s Arweqah Alreyadah, conducted workshops on entrepreneurship education, research, and incubation management. Dr. S Akbar Zaidi, IBA-CED Executive Director, emphasized the need to update curriculums to reflect evolving entrepreneurship trends. Two workshops were held, with a focus on fostering entrepreneurship in academia and knowledge exchange.
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The News International
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Education | Educational Leadership | Higher Education
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The News International. (2024, December 20). Trainers from Finland come to IBA-CED for training entrepreneurs. The News International, . 14. https://ir.iba.edu.pk/press-media/97
IBA Karachi, Centre for Entrepreneurial Development, Winter Immersion Programme, entrepreneurship, education, research, incubation management, Finland, Saudi Arabia, academic workshops