This paper presents a fuzzy control of coupled liquid tank system. The Coupled Liquid Tank system is developed at PIEAS. It has three liquid tanks coupled together. The liquid level in tank 2 is maintained using fuzzy logic. The results are compared with the PID control, mostly used in industries.
Fuzzy logic, Control systems, Fuzzy control, Medical control systems, Electrical equipment industry, Industrial control, Machinery production industries
Crystal Ball Room A, Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, Pakistan
Session Theme
Poster Session B: Artificial Intelligence [AI-2]
Session Type
Poster Session
Session Chair
Dr. Akmal Butt
Start Date
28-8-2005 2:50 PM
End Date
28-8-2005 3:10 PM
Recommended Citation
Abid, M. (2005). Fuzzy logic control of coupled liquid tank system. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies. Retrieved from https://ir.iba.edu.pk/icict/2005/2005/44
Fuzzy logic control of coupled liquid tank system
Crystal Ball Room A, Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi, Pakistan
This paper presents a fuzzy control of coupled liquid tank system. The Coupled Liquid Tank system is developed at PIEAS. It has three liquid tanks coupled together. The liquid level in tank 2 is maintained using fuzzy logic. The results are compared with the PID control, mostly used in industries.