Author Affiliation

  • Dr. Ishrat Husain is Dean and Director of the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi

Faculty / School

Faculty of Business Administration (FBA)


Department of Economics

Was this content written or created while at IBA?


Document Type


Source Publication

The Pakistan Development Review


Economic reforms, Economy, Pakistan


Business | Economics | Public Economics


In 1998 I was invited by Dr Sarfraz Qureshi, the then Director of PIDE to deliver a lecture on "The Political Economy of Reforms: A Case Study of Pakistan". 1 This lecture was subsequently published by PIDE as a monograph. A year later, in ·December 1999, I had the honour of becoming the Governor of the State. Bank of Pakistan and actually participated actively in the formulation and implementation of economic reforms. During· the six year period of public policy making I realised that my knowledge about the political economy as manifested in my PI,DE lecture was incomplete. The narrative was more complex than I had developed as an outsider. Now, six years later after my retirement from the State Bank of Pakistan I again reflected upon this topic as an observer and analyst rather than a participant. I realised. My learnings have become much richer by applying these different prisms-those of an international development economist, a public policy-maker and now an independent analyst.
