
The criminal justice system has been established for 54years since the 1980s. The research states that the constitution edicts that all current laws must dispose with the precepts of Islam as stated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Studies show that the process of law enforcement organization initiates the criminal justice system. It fences in a collection of laws and doctrines depiction to safeguard the lives and possessions of citizens, thereby upholding amusing order. Article-37(d) of the constitution further mandates that the state guarantees low-end and induces justice to advance social justice and banish communicable vices. The contrivance for delivering justice utilizing assumption of criminal law typically involves three stages; inquiry carried out by law enforcement, the trial overseen by the judiciary, and the enforcement of court judgments by punitory jurisdiction. This research centers on every slant of criminal justice scaffolding concerning their nexus. While it incorporates materials pertaining to felony and the distinct components of the criminal justice system, the predominant focus of the research is to link the potency of these elements and demonstrate the ramifications of their coactions.


Pillaging, Exhaustive Criminal Justice, Crime and Delinquency, halt Plummet, amercement, Police permissibility, Criminal Justice reincarnate, and felonies


S2 room, Adamjee building

Session Theme

Institutions and Economics

Session Type

Parallel Technical Session

Session Chair

Anwar Shah, Quaid-i-Azam University

Session Discussant

Adnan Haider, Institute of Business Administration ; Muhammad Sabir, Institute of Business Administration

Start Date

10-12-2024 3:15 PM

End Date

10-12-2024 5:15 PM

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Dec 10th, 3:15 PM Dec 10th, 5:15 PM

Criminal Justice system initiation-criminal Justice system reusable

S2 room, Adamjee building

The criminal justice system has been established for 54years since the 1980s. The research states that the constitution edicts that all current laws must dispose with the precepts of Islam as stated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Studies show that the process of law enforcement organization initiates the criminal justice system. It fences in a collection of laws and doctrines depiction to safeguard the lives and possessions of citizens, thereby upholding amusing order. Article-37(d) of the constitution further mandates that the state guarantees low-end and induces justice to advance social justice and banish communicable vices. The contrivance for delivering justice utilizing assumption of criminal law typically involves three stages; inquiry carried out by law enforcement, the trial overseen by the judiciary, and the enforcement of court judgments by punitory jurisdiction. This research centers on every slant of criminal justice scaffolding concerning their nexus. While it incorporates materials pertaining to felony and the distinct components of the criminal justice system, the predominant focus of the research is to link the potency of these elements and demonstrate the ramifications of their coactions.